Dear Muslim Sister
We all come from different cultures and backgrounds. We have different family dynamics. We have different education, family values and goals. We have different struggles.
However we all have one Allah. The same Allah.
This does not mean that we do not have worries. We have problems and challenges and we have the right and responsibility to address them and get the help and support we need. Allah expects for us to use the resources he has blessed us with whether it is exercising and healthy food, talking to a mental health counselor, joining support groups, acquiring an education, finding a job etc.
Sometimes after doing all of this we are still confused and left with questions. We feel everything is going wrong. For those situation maybe the following can help:

Are you worried about your body and what do people say about you? Allah created you. He is the fashioner and the designer. What others say defines their mentality but not how Allah created you. Tell them to stop criticizing Allah’s canvas.

Are you worried about your grades and school work? They do not determine your future. Allah has a plan for you and maybe this is how it will start.

Are you worried about your parents? Allah blesses everyone with health and life. Know that there are many Muslim sisters around the world who live far away from their parents and even if they are alone , they have Allah- he will take care of them better than you.

Are you in a toxic family? Allah chose your family for you- if you can’t walk out for any reason or can not get help to change them, know that your sins are forgiven each time you are hurt.

Are you worried about not being married? It’s ok , it’s not mandatory or obligatory just because people can’t seem to mind their own business. When the time is right it will happen.

Are you in financial stress? Know that Allah is the only sustainer of rizq- the test may be a hidden blessing.

Are you worried about your marital relationship? Allah does everything for a reason and your ups and downs are making your relationship stronger. If your relationship is blossoming each day, that is from Allah and if it has hit a rough patch there is wisdom in that as well.

Are you worried about your children? Know that the Allah who blessed you with them will take care of them. Don’t compare yourself to a youtube mom who has everything together.

Are you concerned about infertility? Allah is the one who gives children- it’s not in your control no matter what comments others pass.
Of course not all questions are answered here. We all go through different challenges and struggles. I just wanted to say that some times are tough.
One thing is for sure: Islam is the religion that gave a woman the right to live, empowered the woman with the right of ownership, blessed the woman with a status by holding men accountable for how they treat her. Let it be a father, brother, husband, son or any other male.
We all have the right to seek help, fight back, share our emotions, empower ourselves…. however if none of that is possible at the moment- do not worry, you are not alone.