Prophet Adam – Part 2
Adam and Eve
Prophet Adam was blessed with the companionship of Eve who was created from his rib. This is a miracle of Allah. The Lord who can create the first man ever without parents , can definitely create his partner from the ribs. Prophet SAW has used the example of the rib in a Hadith where he told the Muslims to be gentle with their wives and accept them for who they are because straightening a rib is not possible. This does not mean that a woman is crooked or wrong- it means that she has a personality that needs to be accepted and respected and treated with kindness and care. We will further go in to the story , however another important myth to defy is when Prophet Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in paradise , it was not because Eve had insisted as the example is used in some situations to make it seem like females can be manipulative. Adam and Eve were told not to eat from that place and Allah clearly states in 7:22 ” Shaytan lead them/lured them with deception.” It has nothing to do with Eve or Adam being manipulative. It is a nature of the human being. We are forgetful.