Prophet Adam – Part 3 Descending to Earth
Adam and Eve Descend to the Earth
After consuming the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve realized they had been deceived by the Shaytan. False narrations have stated that Eve was tempted to eat the fruit because a serpent told her to and israeeliat (myths created by nations) also say that it was shaytan in the form of a snake. There is no authentic Hadith or Quranic ayat that proves that. Allah says in the Quran: ” O’Children of Adam ! Let shaytan not deceive you as he got your parents Adam and Eve….” (7:27). How did Shaytan deceive Adam? Allah states in Ayat 120 of Surah Taha : “Then Shaytan whispered to him and said Oh Adam, should I direct you to the tree of eternity and possessions that will never deteriorate?” Basically Shaytan tempted Prophet Adam with a life that would never end. The next ayat states:” So both of them ate from it and their private parts became apparent to them (the garments were removed) and they began putting upon themselves leaves from the trees (to cover themselves up) and Adam disobeyed his lord and made a mistake.” Thus that was the moment Prophet Adam and his wife Eve were sent out of paradise to this earth. Where did Adam come to on this earth? There is no single Hadith about this but different narrations from historians and scholars. However we know it was a Friday. Abu Huraira RA narrates that the Prophet SAW said: ” The best of the days on which the sun is risen is Friday . On this day Adam was created and on this day he was descended to earth.” (Al- Bukhari)
Lessons Learned:
Making Mistakes:

Prophet Adam knew very well that Iblis is his enemy , yet he was still tempted. This is what tells us that temptation does not mean that one is a bad person. Mistakes are a part of human nature as long as one :
- Tries his/her best to stay away from it- as Adam and Eve did. They spent years without wanting to consume the forbidden food.
- Realizes and accepts his/her mistake and tries to avoid it in the future. Adam and Eve did not argue and say that they did not mean to, it was an accident etc. They accepted the consequences and asked for forgiveness.
Life and Wealth:

If we think about it the component that Iblis used to tempt Prophet Adam with is life. This shows that wanting a happy and luxurious life is a part of human nature. Allah SWT clearly states in the Quran that our wealth and our children are a fitna (trial/problem) for us. Prophet Adam loved his life in Paradise so much that when Shaytan made him believe that the fruit of the tree will keep him in their forever- he went towards it and ate it. In a nutshell we need to look out how Shaytan uses our innocent desires and wishes to get to us. We find excuses to do things we are not suppose to do because we feel that we will be happy and content and that we deserve that happiness. At the end it is only hurting us. Sometimes we say something mean or passive aggressive to others because it makes us feel good, because our mood felt like it- no it was the shaytan giving us this excuse so we can go ahead and do something we should not.
Hayaa is Human Nature:

Hayaa is Human nature:
It is said that when the garments were removed Adam and Eve started putting on leaves to cover themselves up. Subhanallah! Modesty is the natural trait of the human being. We are naturally shy. We naturally feel awkward wearing certain types of clothing. However times have changes and clothing has become a means of wearing but exposing. Whether its men or women – it is important to make sure whatever we wear is decent and modest. It is not just a part of being Muslim- it is a part of being human as we see in the story of Adam and Eve.
Fantasy or Reality

How were they tempted? Who’s fault was it? It was Eve’s fault-she is the woman. The snake came to her. Where did they come to in this world? They came to Sri Lanka, no India. What were they flying on when they came?
The are all unnecessary questions. The stories of the Prophets in the Quran are not to be turned in to fairy tales or myths – but are to teach lessons. It is important for use to analyze each story, learn the lesson taught in the story and try to apply it in our lives. The location they landed, or how they came is not necessary. It is sad that so many of these stories have been turned in to fantasies to be made more interesting. If we look at the lessons we are taught in these stories they are already interesting enough to cause us to make changes in life.