Prophet Adam- Part 4 Adam and Eve on the Earth
Posted On April 25, 2020
The Move to Earth
Prophet Adam and Eve were sent to Earth and thus a new life started. There is no Quranic Ayat or Hadith on if Adam and Eve spent years apart from each other or they were sent down together , therefore it is not a topic of importance. One of the most famous myths is that they met at Jabl – Rehmah (Mountain of Mercy in Mecca). That mountain is the place where Prophet Muhammed SAW delivered his last Hajj sermon. It is by no mean the place where Adam and Eve met and Allahu Aa’lam. There are a few important points we need to understand after Prophet Adam’s transition to earth:
- We do not know if they were separated or not so it is wrong to make that claim.
- Since they lived in Paradise together, both made the same mistake and got the same punishment – then there is no reason to believe that they were separated on this earth.
- The bounties of Paradise were very different from this earth and Prophet Adam had to adapt to those changes. He had to learn how to protect himself and his family, something that was not an issue in Paradise.
- While adapting to the changes in his life he also had to overpower the Shaytan who had asked Allah for more time to continue to astray Prophet Adam and his children.
- The setting was now earth not paradise- therefore the requirements and the responsibilities of life were different. Prophet Adam had to take measures to be able to survive and teach his children the difference of good and evil for generations to come.
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