Prophet Adam- Part 5
The Children of Prophet Adam
The first children of Adam and Eve were born on Earth and are said to be a set of twins; a male and a female child. Each time the children born were twins. There are many myths on how far apart they were, and when the children were born- however there is no Ayat or Hadith on this matter. It is elaborated in Tafseer Ibn Kathir that each set of twins was a male and female and they could not marry each other. They could only marry the twins born in a separate birth. Many have questioned this as inappropriate or morally incorrect, however Allah SWT has changed different rules overtime and at the time this was a matter of necessity in order to have mankind created. We do not have any knowledge other than what Allah has given us. He is the creator and for sure he created them in a way where it was possible for this to happen.
As Muslims the Quran says we say, “Samehna wa Atana” which means we listen and we obey. We are allowed to ask questions of course for what we are curious about but for something that is beyond our knowledge we do not have the right to say that it was morally incorrect or wrong. Allah is the one who created Adam and all of us to begin with and he knows best.