Prophet Adam – Part 7 (Last)
The Death of Prophet Adam
Prophet Adam spent his life preaching to his children and grandchildren and advising them to stay away from the web shaitan creates around individuals. Time went by and Prophet Adam’s children increased but by then it was time for Prophet Adam to return to Allah SWT. Before Prophet Adam passed away he informed his children that Allah will send prophets to guide them. The prophets would all come with one common message- to believe in Allah and worship him alone. Prophet Adam made his son Sheath his successor. Sheath was not given prophethood. The next prophet after Prophet Adam was Prophet Idrees. In a hadith referring to Prophet Adam’s death it is stated that the angels came , took the soul, shrouded his body, prayed on him and buried him and informed the children that this is the tradition at the time of death.
A Hadith About Prophet Adam
Abu Hurayrah related from Prophet SAW : “When Allah created Adam, He wiped his back and every person that He created among his offspring until the Day of Judgment fell out of his back. He placed a ray of light between the eyes of every person. Then, He showed them to Adam who asked who are these and Allah SWT told him these are your offspring. Adam saw one of them whose ray between his eyes fascinated him, and he inquired who that person was. Allah SWT told him that he is one of your children from your later generations and his name is Dawood.Prophet Adam then asked how long Prophet Dawood’s life would be and was informed that he would be 60 years old, so Prophet Adam asked Allah to add 40 years of Adam’s life to Prophet Dawood’s.When Prophet Adam’s death was near and the Angel of Death came , prophet Adam told the angel that he had 40 years left, to which the angel replied that he had given those 40 years to his son Dawood. Prophet SAW said: “Adam denied, so his children denied; Adam forgot, so his children forgot; and Adam made a mistake so his children made mistakes.” (Tirmidhi)
Lesson's Learned:
Admit it or not- everyone wants more time:

No matter how long we live we still want more time. It is once again human nature from day 1 that life is very valuable to each and everyone of us. Even Prophet Adam thought that he had more time on the earth and he asked about it. It is important to understadn the significance of every passing minute and to see how we are utilizing it.
Traditions of the Past:

Burial has always been the natural method of putting away the deceased from the beginning of time. It was the method that Allah taught Prophet Adam’s son as well as the method the angels used and taught the children of Adam upon Prophet Adam’s death.

All in all Prophet Adam’s story is a story of different emotions, reactions, adaptations as well as ancient traditions that are still a part of society today. We learn the evils present in our attributes are from the beginning of mankind, therefore it is important that we make ourselves stronger than the shaytan as well as our nafs so we can become those who Allah forgives. The story of Prophet Adam introduces us to a life full of struggles yet peace due to the obedience and hope in Allah .