Prophet Adam – The Beginning of Mankind
Our forefather is made of clay
Everyone is ordered to prostrate
In terms of Evolution – let’s say that Allah only provides us information relevant for us. Prophet Adam could have been the most perfect form of human created.
No doubt he was made of clay- the Quran mentions different types of form of dirt/clay. In some ayat it is dirt in some clay – so it basically means that throughout the creation process that Allah knows best- different types of dirt/clay was used in various forms.
Upon his creation the angels were told to prostate to him. Sajdah is the greatest from of submission and respect. As Muslims it is haram for us to do sajdah to anyone or anything besides Allah. The angels and jinn’s were told to bow before him because he was the greatest creation of Allah at the time.
Shaytan Refuses
Shaytan refused to prostate and stated that he was better than Adam in creation- he was created from fire and Adam is created from clay and fire is far superior and powerful than clay. While Shaytan knew he made a mistake his arrogance did not stop him from asking Allah SWT for more time and opportunities. His revenge for Adam being better than him was to destroy his offspring until the Day of Judgement.

Angels are Informed
Allah SWT informed the angels that Adam would be the caliphate/messenger on earth and the angels stated that Adam humans would create destruction. Allahh SWT informed the angels that he knows more than what they know. Prophet Adam was blessed with more knowledge than the angels and was blessed with “Ilm” and also the ability to make decisions for himself.