Prophet Nuh – Lessons Learned
- The Story of Prophet Nuh is a story of patience, accountability and true reliance.
- The patience of a human being who deals with ignorant people for 950 years.
- The accountability of a Prophet’s son because of his deeds.
Significance of the Ark
The most significant part of the story is the Ark itself. If one really puts a thought to it, was the Ark necessary to save Prophet Nuh and his people? Couldn’t Allah send angels and have them carry the believers? Couldn’t he have the Ark built by angels and Jinns?
Arrogance Continues....

While it was being built the ignorant people continued to make fun of it. This shows how arrogant they were. If they had even thought for a fraction of a minute they could have concluded that a major event is about to happen or else why would a man be building a boat while there is not even enough water to sail it.
Humans need to create and use resources

It also shows that Allah creates these resources to help people. Using these resources does not mean someone doesn’t have reliance on Allah. True reliance is using the resources and still thinking that they will only work to my advantage if Allah wants them to.