Prophet Nuh – Part 4
Mount Judi and Facts about the Flood
The flood ceased and Prophet Nuh’s Ark stopped at Mt. Judi.Prophet Nuh was told to leave the ship with his followers and the animals on the ship and thus the believers were saved and blessed with a fresh start to life.

Local or Universal Flooding?
There are different narrations on this topic. Amongst the Jews, Chrisitans and Muslims there are scholars with both views.
The Flood was Local:
The scholars and historians that believe that the flood was local believe that if it was worldwide there would be traces of the flood in different parts of the world which do not exist. They believe that human population was limited at those times and the generation of Prophet Adam at that time had not spread around the world like it has today. The people at Prophet Nuh’s time were spread over a certain area and since they had not travelled around and discovered other parts of the world the flood was limited to their area.
The Flood was Universal:
Some scholars and historians point out that there are bones of sea animals found in parts of the world where there is no water. It seems that a large flood or storm caused the destruction. They believe that it was the flood from Prophet Nuh’s time.

Once again the important point about Prophet stories is to learn the morals and lessons. Allah SWT provides us essential information about each story in the Quran. Determining if the flood was local or universal does not make us a better person or better Muslim.