Staying away from Doubts
The Prophet SAW said:
“The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear, and between the two of them are doubtful matters about which many people do not know. He who avoids doubtful matters clears himself in regard to his religion and his honor, and he who falls into doubtful matters will fall into the unlawful as the shepherd who pastures near a sanctuary, all but grazing therein. Every king has a limit/stronghold and that of Allah is his prohibition. In the body is a piece of flesh which, if sound, the entire body is sound, and if corrupt, the entire body is corrupt. Truly, it is the heart.”
Haram? Really? Why? Who said? and the new What if?
- There are certain matters in Islam that are clearly Halal and Haram. Then there are those that are debatable and people of knowledge have worked long and hard to compile such matters and come to conclusions. With the world changing and new trends being introduced it is best to stay away from those matters that are doubtful.
- The problem is that instead of staying away from the doubtful, we are finding ways to change haram into halal – and if not changing it we are questioning it. As believers of Allah SWT we are not to question what is already made Haram clearly. Yes doubtful matters aside, but clearly haram matters in Quran and Hadith are not to be questioned but rather accepted that they are commands of Allah SWT and there is wisdom behind them .
- If someone falls into doing Haram that should not mean that they should try to justify it or implement it on others.
The same principle applies to those who wish to follow a more conservative side of religion and those who wish to be moderate. As long as both are not committing shirk or harming another human being in the process – to each his/her own. There is no point in implementing versions of halal and versions of Haram on others. If someone is doing right then let them be- do not try to give a “halaler” version, and if someone is doing haram themselves and he or she knows , then more people should not be recruited just to make the behavior look normal.
Think with the Mind or the Heart?
The hadith clearly states the heart is what impacts the entire body- which in this context means our actions.The term think with your mind and not your heart or the other way around seems to be a phrase , however in the past few decades studies do prove that the heart impacts thinking and functions not only the brain. Neurocardiology is an entire field of science that is dedicated to this research. The Prophet SAW told us 1440 years ago that the heart is the part of the body that impacts what we do. Therefore it is important to keep our heart clean from all inner diseases such as jealousy, hatred, vengeance etc. and to make the Dua for our heart : “Oh Allah keep my heart firm on your obedience.” Ameen.